Wind erosion in south-west Western Australia
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The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides this information to help decrease the incidence of wind erosion in Western Australia.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

WA Soil Health Strategy
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The Western Australian Soil Health Strategy sets the strategic direction that will guide policy, research, investment, and on-ground actions that support the management, protection, improve the partnerships and improvement of soil functions and associated ecosystem services for the next 10 years within WA.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

National Soil Strategy
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The National Soil Strategy is Australia’s first national policy on soil.

Wind erosion control after fire in Western Australia
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The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development pages on erosion control after fire in Western Australia.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Recycled organics fertiliser
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Understanding the chemical make-up of recycled organics is an essential first step in evaluating the potential soil and crop benefits they may provide.
Grains Research and Development Corporation

Shallow relief drains in Western Australia
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Shallow relief drains are relatively cheap and easy to construct, and are effective at removing surface water from flooded or ponding land.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Soil sampling and testing is an essential part of making good fertiliser decisions. Fertilisers are a large cost to farming pastures in high rainfall areas. This page is specific to sampling high rainfall pastures (more than 600mm average annual rainfall) in the south-west of Western Australia.

Controlled traffic farming (CTF) is a farming system built on permanent wheel tracks where the crop zone and traffic lanes are permanently separated.

Claying to ameliorate soil water repellence
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Claying can be one of the most effective ways to overcome soil water repellence.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development