Ten years of managing water repellent soils research in Western Australia – a review of current progress and future opportunities
Report or other publication
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

PA in Practice III
Report or other publication
‘PA in practice III – tips, tricks and case studies for precision agriculture’ details comprehensive frameworks for using foundational precision agriculture (PA) techniques such as on-farm experimentation, yield and soil mapping, as well as lessons drawn from the experiences of other growers.

Soil Testing and Interpretation for Vegetable Crops
Report or other publication

The interaction between soil pH and phosphorus fertilizer is dynamic
Report or other publication

Understanding soil analysis data
Report or other publication
The aim of this Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development report is to help people who are interested in soil science, but are not specialists in this area, to better understand soil analysis reports in particular, and soil data in general.

Soil water – methods to predict plant available water capacity (PAWC) using soil-landscape associations
Report or other publication

Water-Smart Farming Manual
Report or other publication
This GRDC manual describes the latest research on maximising your rainfall and provides new strategies for increasing your yield, farm profit and resilience to changes in rainfall.

Soil amelioration in Western Australia
Report or other publication

Improving the Effectiveness of Soil Amelioration by Optimising Soil Machine Interaction
Report or other publication