A panel of experienced consultants give their insights and suggest management on a range of example profiles from across the southwest agricultural region of WA, along with expert technical advice from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development scientists.
Plants experience osmotic stress when they are exposed to salinity in soil.
This animation of a simulated model shows the impact of a compacted subsoil layer in the development of a plant root system (right), in comparison to root growth in a soil without compaction (left).
Soil amelioration in Western Australia
Report or other publication
Improving the Effectiveness of Soil Amelioration by Optimising Soil Machine Interaction
Report or other publication
Subsoil compaction management: outcomes of five years of research in Western Australia
Report or other publication
Ranking options for soil amelioration tool
Tool or calculator
Ranking options for soil amelioration (ROSA) is a decision support tool by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development intended for use by consultants, agronomists and growers to indicate soil amendment options that are likely to provide the biggest economic return for growers with multiple soil constraints.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
There are no hard and fast rules for diagnosing soil affected by sodicity in semi-arid and higher-rainfall landscapes.