A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the improved surface soil structure with controlled traffic, mean that the Nixon’s sodic and alkaline soil is productive.

Ten years of managing water repellent soils research in Western Australia – a review of current progress and future opportunities
Report or other publication
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Plants experience osmotic stress when they are exposed to salinity in soil.

Soil amelioration in Western Australia
Report or other publication

Improving the Effectiveness of Soil Amelioration by Optimising Soil Machine Interaction
Report or other publication

Subsoil compaction management: outcomes of five years of research in Western Australia
Report or other publication

Australian Agriculture in 2020: from conservation to automation
Report or other publication

Ranking options for soil amelioration tool
Tool or calculator
Ranking options for soil amelioration (ROSA) is a decision support tool by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development intended for use by consultants, agronomists and growers to indicate soil amendment options that are likely to provide the biggest economic return for growers with multiple soil constraints.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development