Physical and chemical properties of soil types used for crop production in the south-west of Western Australia
Understanding how physical and chemical soil properties vary at depth in different soil types can inform management decisions.
Common soil constraint scenarios and their management options
A panel of experienced consultants give their insights and suggest management on a range of example profiles from across...
Understanding soil analysis data
The aim of this Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development report is to help people who are interested...
Lime comparison calculator
A web-based tool for comparing lime sources is available on
iLime compares liming strategies on your paddock to plan a long-term strategy developed by the Department of Primary Industries...
Explaining soil testing jargon by Jason Condon
This NSW DPI Soils Network of Knowledge (SNoK) webinar will explain some basics of soil test results so that...
Options for managing multiple constraints with strategic deep tillage
Comparing strategic deep tillage treatments for managing soil water repellence, subsoil compaction and subsoil acidity.