Using the controlled traffic farming calculator
The controlled traffic farming calculator can be used to calculate how much of your paddock is wheeled.
Size, width and depth of soil compaction
Tyres, tracks and axle load all need to be considered when addressing soil compaction.
Visualising machinery-induced soil compaction
Forces from machinery compress the soil and decrease space between soil particles, reducing pore space and increasing soil density.
Developing a controlled traffic (tramline) farming system
Controlled traffic farming (CTF) is a farming system built on permanent wheel tracks where the crop zone and traffic...
Controlled Traffic Farming Technical Manual
Subsoil compaction caused by cropping machinery ‘traffic’ in paddocks is a costly and increasing problem across the Western Australian...
Controlled Traffic Farming: Case Studies of Growers in Western Australia
Subsoil compaction caused by cropping machinery ‘traffic’ in paddocks is a costly and increasing problem across the Western Australian...
CTF calculator
The CTF calculator can help you estimate the percentage of your paddock currently trafficked and assess compaction management options...