
Tool or calculator

APSoil is a database of soil water characteristics enabling estimation of Plant Available Water Capacity for individual soils and crops.


Tool or calculator

iLime compares liming strategies on your paddock to plan a long-term strategy developed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Ranking options for soil amelioration (ROSA) is a decision support tool by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development intended for use by consultants, agronomists and growers to indicate soil amendment options that are likely to provide the biggest economic return for growers with multiple soil constraints.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development


Tool or calculator

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides access to digital mapping and information for natural resources across Western Australia through NRInfo (natural resource information).

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

CTF calculator

Tool or calculator

The CTF calculator can help you estimate the percentage of your paddock currently trafficked and assess compaction management options for your farm.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development