What is soil stability?
Soil stability refers to the ability of a soil to maintain structural integrity on wetting.
Soil consists of mineral and organic matter that will generally bind together to form aggregates; air and water that will be held in the soil pores, and soil organisms. The structure of a soil depends on i) the presence of soil aggregates that help determine its overall productivity and capacity to store both water and nutrients; and ii) the proportions of sand, silt and clay.
Structural stability indicates how these aggregates and the pores within and between them are affected by rainfall, wetting, and soil management. A well structured soil resists the dispersive and erosive forces of water and erosion by wind, does not crust, allows seedlings to emerge unrestrained and can be worked over a wide range of moisture contents with minimal damage.
Soils with poor structure are sometimes low in clay, but poor soil structure is most common in relatively high-clay soils that have a dense or ‘massive’ structure that is impenetrable to root growth and these soils are difficult to work. Poorly structured soils are also often low in organic matter and high in exchange cations such as sodium that decrease the ability of clay particles to bind together. In a well structured soil, pore spaces represent 50-60% of the total soil volume.
Soil instability leads to the collapse of soil aggregates, creating layers which are hard when dry and waterlogged when moist. There are two main types of soil instability:
- Slaking
- Dispersion
On wetting, porous aggregates rapidly absorb water and soil may swell, becoming soft and trapping air internally. With further wetting, weak aggregates collapse and break into smaller particles. This process is known as slaking.
Slaking is due to low soil organic matter and is often associated with intense rainfall hitting dry, bare soil and occurs within minutes. It can lead to blocking of soil pores normally associated with gas exchange and water movement. In naturally hardsetting soils that are unable to re-form aggregates, a crust will form when the soil surface dries.
Dispersion causes micro-aggregates to collapse and release clay, silt and sand particles. Smaller particles move to block soil pores, which slows internal drainage and contributes to an increased risk of waterlogging. Typically, dispersion is associated with sodic soils.
A simple way of checking for sodic, or dispersive soils, is to take 2-3 pea-sized samples of DRY SOIL and put them in a shallow container of rainwater. When in contact with water, the water turns milky as the clay disperses. It may take a number of hours (up to 20 hours) for clay, sand and silt particles within soil aggregates to separate in naturally dispersive soils.
In sodic soils, an excess of exchangeable sodium (Na+) attached to clay particles causes the clay in some soils to swell excessively, leading to the closure of pores within and between the aggregates. Sodic soils also have a tendency to disperse, especially when cultivated and/or impacted by rain or surface run off. Once dry, the dispersed soil particles settle in a solid mass causing a hard-setting soil crust.
Approximately 25% of Australian soils by land area are sodic and tend to degrade under bad management. The condition is commonly associated with either previously saline landscapes from which salts have been subsequently leached, but sodium has remained, or in saline soils which are often sodic by nature. This effect may be masked while the dissolved salts remain because of favourable ionic effects, however, once these salts are leached the soil becomes unstable when wet.
Sodic clay surface soils disperse in water, reducing soil strength, and making them more prone to erosion. Sodicity is most obvious in the soil surface when clay dispersion leads to crusting – but sodium concentrations are generally greatest in the subsoil where they may result in very low permeability of clay layers, thereby restricting drainage and leaching.

Demonstration of differing degrees of breakdown of soil aggregates when immersed in deionised water for 24 hours
Aggregate breakdown in the paddock occurs in a similar way. The small particles of soil move with water and block soil pores. While slaking soil is less problematic, soil structure is adversely affected. From Soil Quality: 8 Sodic and Alkaline Soil (Barrett-Lennard et al. 2022). Video: Yoshi Sawada, UWA; video production: Science with Style.
How to recognise soil instability
Soil crusting
One of the biggest signs of poor soil stability is soil crusting.
Soil crusting is a natural process caused by wetting and drying of weakly aggregated soil. Many surface crusting problems in agricultural soils result from the impact of rainfall on unprotected surfaces (no soil cover). Crusts are recognised as a hard surface layer up to 1 cm thick which can often be lifted off from the soil surface.
Hard-set topsoil
Soil structure breakdown caused by rapid wetting can lead to hardsetting and usually affects the entire topsoil (horizon A).
Once wet, finer particles become suspended in soil water, aggregates breakdown and soil structure collapses. As the soil dries it hardens without restructuring, becoming massive or cemented with few or no cracks, and reduced pore space.
What are the effects of poor soil stability or soil instability on plant growth?
The net effects of soil instability are often poor plant establishment, and decreased soil water entry resulting in poor plant growth and reduced crop yields.
Features of poor soil stability include:
- Surface compaction and sealing, ponding of rainfall
- Poor/patchy seedling emergence (coleoptile unable to penetrate surface crust)
- Poor/patchy crop and pasture growth
- Shoot distortion (twisted, bent, thickened)
- Excessive surface water and runoff
- Restricted gas exchange under wet conditions
- Dispersive soils prone to water and wind erosion
- High exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
Impacts of soil crusting and hardsetting on production
The effects of both crusting and hardsetting on seedling emergence are particularly evident when deep planting below about 10 cm, resulting in uneven germination and shoot distortion.
Hardsetting soil may also constrain the timing of cultivation leading to production losses associated with delayed sowing.
Poor soil workability
The cost of operations and machinery wear increase, and difficulties can be experienced in preparing an even seed bed. Sodic soils are prone to both crusting and hardsetting and gave rise to the term “Sunday soils” (too wet to seed Saturday, and too dry to seed Monday).
Reduced germination and seedling vigour
Surface compaction restricts germination of seedlings and may result in root and shoot distortion. Soil crusting does not slow germination but prevents the hypocotyl emerging through the hard surface layer. This often causes thickening of the hypocotyl (a condition referred to as ‘big shank’ or ’thick-legged‘ cotton), resulting in reduced seedling vigour.
Low rates of water infiltration
Structural decline results in decreased porosity, slowing infiltration of water into the soil profile particularly on soils with little or no organic cover. In summer rainfall cropping regions, for example, the infiltration rate can be halved due to the impact of high energy raindrops on the soil surface.
Decreased plant-available water capacity
Due to the decrease in water infiltration, less water enters and is stored in the soil, resulting in less plant available water and greater run-off. A strong negative relationship exists between exchangeable sodium percentage and plant-available water capacity, reducing crop yields due to high soil strength, compaction, and low-permeability (lack of air) that affects root growth.
What factors affect soil stability?
In sandy soils, soil particles are unable to form stable aggregates, but the soils are free draining. As the clay content of the soil increases, the particles are held together more strongly and structural strength increases. Soil slaking or dispersion is evident in soils with a high content of fine sand and/or silt (loamy soil) and low organic matter levels, with crusting and hardsetting most common in soils with 10 to 35 percent clay.
The type of soil has a major role in determining whether a soil is hardsetting. Soil types prone to hardsetting are unable to develop water-stable aggregates and are a feature of many – particularly those low in organic matter (<2%).
The chemical make-up of the soil will also influence its structure. A soil chemical test reports sodicity as exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). An ESP of > 6 indicates a sodic soil which is likely to suffer from problems of dispersion in the surface and/or subsoil layers when cultivated and/or impacted by rain or surface run off.
The impact of raindrops interacts with the level of soil cover and the tendency of a soil to slake (soil aggregates can collapse within minutes of rainfall starting) and disperse (separation of soil particles may take a number of hours) to influence surface bonding (crusting, hardsetting).
Soils with low organic matter are more prone to surface crusting.
Increasing soil cover (organic residues) decreases the impact of raindrops on the soil surface, whereas bare soil becomes compacted by successive rainfall events. Increased soil organic matter promotes soil aggregation and soil stability. Organic matter, root exudates, soil fauna (including fungi and bacteria) and organo-metallic complexes help bind particles and form stable soil aggregates, and result in soils which are less likely to crust, have a faster rate of water infiltration and are generally more fertile.
Organic biomass returned to soil contributes to soil organic matter. Photo: Angelo Loi, DPIRD.
Although predominantly associated with natural processes, crusting can be caused by tilling or excessive stocking on wet soils, and is exacerbated by a lack of cover and low organic matter content. Zero tillage promotes the build-up of organic residues on and near the soil surface, retains root biopores and improves soil structure compared to continuous cultivation.
How to increase and maintain soil stability
Decreasing soil disturbance and retaining stubble can promote the retention of organic matter by minimising exposure of organic materials to decomposition through the maintenance of stable soil aggregates and retaining root biopores.
In gypsum responsive soils (i.e. sodic soils), the effects of high levels of sodium on soil structure can be overcome by applying gypsum (applications may need to be repeated).
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) contains calcium which stops clay from dispersing when wet.
Gypsum can be spread to manage surface soil problems, with more recent methods (injection into subsoils) used to counteract subsoil sodicity, often in combination with ripping.
Gypsum is only effective in stabilising chemically unstable soils in the short term and does little to improve the structure of clays that are not sodic– in this case, farmers have commented on the benefits of adopting zero tillage to improve soil structure. On acid soils, the application of alkaline products such as lime (calcite) may be appropriate.
Possible drawbacks of gypsum application include:
- Gypsum can be sold as an industrial by-product may contain heavy metals (cadmium) and other contaminants (fluoride).
- Mined (lakebed) gypsum tends to have very little heavy metal impurity, but can contain substantial amounts of lime, sodium chloride, sand and/or clay.
- Financial returns can be highly variable
- Application of calcium may cause magnesium deficiency
Where the soil is both acidic and dispersive, lime application can provide structural stability benefits similar to those of gypsum. However, application of lime to alkaline soil is not recommended because of a very low solubility under these conditions.
Do not irrigate with water containing high levels of salts and sodium for prolonged periods.
Burning of stubble and crop residues reduces ground cover and contributes to declining soil organic matter content in soils. which can lead to a higher risk of surface crusting and hardsetting.
Biological functioning is improved by providing fresh substrates which are often limiting in agricultural systems.
- Incorporate pasture ley or increase cropping intensity to grow more plant biomass
- Maintain plant residues where possible
- Diverse plant systems are considered to support a more diverse biological community
- Application of organic by-products such as oilseed meal and biosolids
- Ameliorating soil and agronomic constraints can help to maximise plant biomass
Material on this page adapted from:
- Hoyle FC (2007). Soil Health Knowledge Bank.
- Soil Quality ebook series. SoilsWest, Perth, Western Australia.
Last updated July 2024.