Understanding how physical and chemical soil properties vary at depth in different soil types can inform management decisions.

A panel of experienced consultants give their insights and suggest management on a range of example profiles from across the southwest agricultural region of WA, along with expert technical advice from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development scientists.

Wind erosion in south-west Western Australia
External link
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides this information to help decrease the incidence of wind erosion in Western Australia.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Tool or calculator
APSoil is a database of soil water characteristics enabling estimation of Plant Available Water Capacity for individual soils and crops.

Unlike most soil types, gravel soil possesses anion exchange capacity in addition to cation exchange capacity, adding complexity to how nutrient interactions are controlled.

A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the improved surface soil structure with controlled traffic, mean that the Nixon’s sodic and alkaline soil is productive.

Soil pit demonstration of sandy duplex soil presented by Matthias Leopold at Pingelly, Western Australia.

Ten years of managing water repellent soils research in Western Australia – a review of current progress and future opportunities
Report or other publication
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development