Discover and apply best practice soil management

Soil management focuses on practical advice and guidelines to improve soil management. This information discusses how soil management integrates into different farming systems and considers different options that may be available to improve soil quality. Resources are linked throughout these pages, or you can view those relating to this topic.

Controlled traffic farming

Controlled traffic farming systems minimise the area of the paddock that is compacted by heavy cropping machinery by establishing and maintaining permanent pathways for machinery.

Strategic tillage

Strategic deep tillage is a intervention to overcome one or multiple soil constraints.

Soil amendments

Soil amendments are materials added to soil with the aim of altering soil properties. The addition of amendments to soil generally has the goal of overcoming a soil constraint.

Agricultural lime

Agricultural lime is any product that is used to increase the pH of soil. Application of one of these products is usually the most economical method of ameliorating soil acidity.


Fertilisers supply and replace nutrients that are removed or lost from soil. The types of fertilisers used in agriculture have changed over the last half century.

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Deep ripping and nitrogen use efficiency

4 min read

Quantifying how deep tillage changes the growth response of wheat to fertiliser nitrogen.

Claying to ameliorate soil water repellence

December 12, 2023

Claying can be one of the most effective ways to overcome soil water repellence.

Controlled Traffic Farming Technical Manual

Subsoil compaction caused by cropping machinery ‘traffic’ in paddocks is a costly and increasing problem across the Western Australian...