Fertilizer Australia
Agriculture Victoria Research, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Cameron Gourley
David Weaver
The purpose of this document is to describe farm-based ‘fit for purpose’ soil sampling methods. These guidelines aim to ensure that soil sampling is well planned, well-equipped and well suited for its designated purpose.
- Why collect soil samples?
- When to sample
- Selecting areas to sample within the farm
Farm level sampling strategies
Aerial photographs and developing a farm map
Accounting for soil types, landscapes, hydrology and topography
Identifying paddock / block management practices
Selecting representative paddocks / blocks for sampling - Procedure for collecting soil samples from selected paddocks/blocks
Sampling approaches
Areas to avoid
The correct number of soil cores to achieve a representative sample
Sampling pattern for selected area with no previous fertiliser banding
Sampling pattern for selected area with previous fertiliser banding
Sampling to the correct depth
Documenting and recording soil sampling location and pattern - Soil sampling equipment
Selecting the right sampling tools
Using soil sampling tools correctly
Hygiene - Soil sample handling and dispatch
Submitting samples
Quarantine issues in soil and plant sample movement - Work Health and Safety (WHS)
- Soil sampling checklist
- References and Further reading