A web-based tool for comparing lime sources is available on soilquality.org.au

When applying lime it is important to be able quantify a number of issues other than the actual cost, and cartage and spreading costs. The quality of the product plays an important part in the pH neutralising capability of the lime. Lime can be sourced from many places, each having different characteristics, both within and between pits. It is necessary to know what the quality of lime being purchased and how effective is will be at neutralising pH.

This calculator discounts the neutralising value to account for the reduced effect of larger particle sizes which reduce the short term capacity of the lime to change the soil pH.

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A ‘systems’ approach to managing sodic and alkaline soil


A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the...

Processes of soil nutrient supply to plant roots


Professor Richard Bell explains how plant roots take up nutrients from the soil by diffusion, mass flow, and interception.

Nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions from dryland cropping soil

5 min read

Quantifying the extent and timing of nitrous oxide emissions.

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