




Soil Quality: 8 Sodic and Alkaline Soil



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Grains Research and Development Corporation

Murdoch University


Ed Barrett-Lennard

David Hall

Wayne Parker

Rushna Munir

Sodic and alkaline soil profiles in the south-western agricultural region Detrimental effects of sodicity on plants are most likely to be expressed in soil with exchangeable sodium percentage greater than 15 in the top 300 mm of the profile.

Calcareous loamy earth near Mingenew

Calcareous loamy earth near Devils Creek

Calcareous loamy earth near Carnamah

Calcareous clay soil near Beacon

Calcareous clay soil near Merredin

Alkaline loamy duplex soil near Lake Grace

Alkaline loamy duplex soil near Salmon Gums

Calcareous clay soil near Salmon Gums

Shallow sandy duplex soil north of Beaumont

Shallow sandy duplex soil near Wittenoom Hills

Deep sandy duplex soil near Cascade

Shallow sandy duplex soil near Ongorup

Shallow duplex (domed clay) soil near Munglinup


ebook Soil Quality: 8 Sodic & Alkaline Soil

Barrett-Lennard E, Hall D, Parker W and Munir R (2022).

Map Dennis van Gool, DPIRD

Data for the map was sourced from the soil-landscape map unit database

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