


Grains Research and Development Corporation

University of New England Primary Industries Innovation Centre


David Herridge

Key points

  • Growing crop legumes in rotation with cereals substantially reduces the need for fertiliser N inputs, often by 40 to 80kg N/ha, and improves productivity.
  • Crop legumes fix about 100kg N/ha on average. Nitrogen fixation is suppressed by soil nitrate.
  • An estimated 167,000 tonnes of N with a nominal value of $270 million was fixed by crop legumes in 2012.
  • Adequate nodulation is important.

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A ‘systems’ approach to managing sodic and alkaline soil


A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the...

Processes of soil nutrient supply to plant roots


Professor Richard Bell explains how plant roots take up nutrients from the soil by diffusion, mass flow, and interception.

Nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions from dryland cropping soil

5 min read

Quantifying the extent and timing of nitrous oxide emissions.

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