A simple guide for describing soils
Report or other publication
This guide is suitable for anyone who is interested in understanding the basics of soil morphology, characteristics and description. Experts in other scientific fields, industry consultants, students and interested lay readers will also benefit from using this guide as a stepping stone to a more advanced understanding of soil.

Environmental controls of soil fungal abundance and diversity in Australia’s diverse ecosystems
Journal article
Soil fungi are vital for ecosystem functioning, but an understanding of their ecology is still growing.

How much organic carbon could the soil store? The carbon sequestration potential of Australian soil
Journal article
Soil is a huge carbon (C) reservoir, but where and how much extra C can be stored is unknown.

Assessment of the potential for soil carbon sequestration based on soil type, land use, and climate scenarios is crucial for determining which agricultural regions can be used to help mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Sustainability of nutrient management in grain production systems of south-west Australia
Journal article
Balancing nutrient inputs and exports is essential to maintaining soil fertility in rainfed crop and pasture farming systems.

Comparing strategic deep tillage treatments for managing soil water repellence, subsoil compaction and subsoil acidity.

Addressing the range of soil constraints present maximises productivity and profitability in the long-term.

It is important to understand the characteristics of the soil profile and have a plan to minimise the risk of soil erosion.

When carried out effectively, soil inversion almost completely eliminates topsoil water repellence, although in cases of complete or poor inversion, soil retains some repellence.