


New South Wales Department of Primary Industries


Steve Morris

Abigail Jenkins

About SNoK webinars

The Soils Network of Knowledge (SNoK) is a NSW DPI supported community of interest for all things soil.

Please be aware that the information in these videos is of a general nature. Users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up-to-date and to check the currency of the information with an independent adviser.

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Replicated small plot field experiments – is the pain worth the gain? by Steve Morris

Current best scientific practice for agricultural field experiments is application of treatments to relatively small areas of ground under a randomised and replicated field plan. This can be time consuming and expensive to achieve and may seem excessive relative to other real world strategies such as single applications to large areas. This talk will outline the logical case for conducting field research in the recommended manner and demonstrate some of the pitfalls when other roads are taken.

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A ‘systems’ approach to managing sodic and alkaline soil


A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the...

Processes of soil nutrient supply to plant roots


Professor Richard Bell explains how plant roots take up nutrients from the soil by diffusion, mass flow, and interception.

Nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions from dryland cropping soil

5 min read

Quantifying the extent and timing of nitrous oxide emissions.

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