Physical and chemical properties of soil types used for crop production in the south-west of Western Australia
Understanding how physical and chemical soil properties vary at depth in different soil types can inform management decisions.
Explaining Phosphorus Buffering Index (PBI) by Simon Clarendon
This NSW DPI Soils Network of Knowledge (SNoK) webinar will delve into the history of the Phosphorus Buffering Index...
Understanding soil analysis data
The aim of this Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development report is to help people who are interested...
Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook
The Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook specifies methods and terminology for soil and land surveys.
Explaining soil testing jargon by Jason Condon
This NSW DPI Soils Network of Knowledge (SNoK) webinar will explain some basics of soil test results so that...
A simple guide for describing soils
This guide is suitable for anyone who is interested in understanding the basics of soil morphology, characteristics and description....
Fertcare A guide for fit for purpose soil sampling
The purpose of this document is to describe farm-based ‘fit for purpose’ soil sampling methods. These guidelines aim to...
Soil sampling high rainfall pastures in Western Australia
Soil sampling and testing is an essential part of making good fertiliser decisions. Fertilisers are a large cost to...