A ‘systems’ approach to managing sodic and alkaline soil
A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the...
Understanding Your Soils: Sodicity and Salinity
Want to know more about soil sodicity and salinity? Watch this short video from the Understanding Your Soils Series...
Ranking options for soil amelioration tool
Ranking options for soil amelioration (ROSA) is a decision support tool by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional...
Testing for dispersion and slaking
Simple guide to testing for dispersion
Soil Quality: 8 Sodic and Alkaline Soil
Book 8 Sodic and Alkaline Soil, explains the causes, implications and impact of sodicity and alkalinity on soil structure...
Soil Quality: 2 Integrated Soil Management
Book 2 Integrated Soil Management is a practical manual for farmers wanting to integrate the management of multiple soil constraints into...
Iron Man Gypsum treatment: reducing phosphate losses from soils used for dairy production
Incorporating high-phosphorus-adsorbing materials into these phosphorus saturated soils offers a management option to increase phosphorus retention and reduce phosphorus...
Dispersion of clay plates by sodium in soil
This animation shows how sodium influences soil dispersion.