Using the controlled traffic farming calculator
The controlled traffic farming calculator can be used to calculate how much of your paddock is wheeled.
Nitrogen management following deep ripping of soil
Alleviating soil compaction allows plant root access to a greater volume of soil moisture and increases nitrogen use efficiency.
Soil movement during ripping
Deep ripping is used to fracture and loosen hardened soil.
Size, width and depth of soil compaction
Tyres, tracks and axle load all need to be considered when addressing soil compaction.
Visualising machinery-induced soil compaction
Forces from machinery compress the soil and decrease space between soil particles, reducing pore space and increasing soil density.
Soil management
Soil management focuses on practical advice and guidelines to improve soil management.
Variable rate liming of acidic soil
Liming to meet soil pH requirement using variable rate application will ensure it is targeted to where it is...
Spraying universal pH indicator
Spraying the face of a soil pit with universal pH indicator is a quick way of assessing the pH...
Root growth through low pH soil with and without lime treatment
Root growth is slowed in acidic subsoil resulting in fewer roots, shallower roots, fewer fine roots and less branching....