


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development


Angela Stuart-Street

Nicolyn Short

Paul Galloway

Noel Schoknecht


This guide is suitable for anyone who is interested in understanding the basics of soil morphology, characteristics and description. Experts in other scientific fields, industry consultants, students and interested lay readers will also benefit from using this guide as a stepping stone to a more advanced understanding of soil.


    • Introduction
    • About soil
      What is soil?
      Why describe a soil?
      Describing a soil profile in the field
    • Main soil properties used for describing soil
      Depth of soil profile or depth to (perceived) root-limiting layer
      Identifying and naming soil horizons
      Coarse fragments
      Basic chemistry
      Calcareous layer/s (lime)
      Water regime
    • Other important soil-related properties
      Soil sodicity
      Soil surface condition
      Water repellence
    • Other important land-related properties
    • Soil types and classification
      Levels of soil classification
      Keys to simple soil classification (soil generic groups)
    • Examples of simple soil classification
    • Glossary
    • Resources related to this guide
    • Brief soil description card (site card)

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