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Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

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Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
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Poorly drained or waterlogged soils lack the interconnected air spaces and large pores that are essential for the movement...
Book 8 Sodic and Alkaline Soil, explains the causes, implications and impact of sodicity and alkalinity on soil structure...
Sodicity and alkalinity damage soil structure by decreasing aggregate stability, increasing soil density and contributing to the development of...
4 min read
The premise behind this trial is that for sustained improvement of soil physical properties, such as increased infiltration rate,...
Typical chemical analysis of sodic and alkaline soils
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A combination of crop choice, water harvesting, gypsum application, maximising soil cover and no livestock, and then maintaining the...
Professor Richard Bell explains how plant roots take up nutrients from the soil by diffusion, mass flow, and interception.
5 min read
Quantifying the extent and timing of nitrous oxide emissions.
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