Common soil constraint scenarios and their management options
A panel of experienced consultants give their insights and suggest management on a range of example profiles from across...
Wind erosion in south-west Western Australia
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides this information to help decrease the incidence of wind erosion...
APSoil is a database of soil water characteristics enabling estimation of Plant Available Water Capacity for individual soils and...
Ion exchange capacity of gravel soil
Unlike most soil types, gravel soil possesses anion exchange capacity in addition to cation exchange capacity, adding complexity to...
Demonstration of the impact of osmotic stress on an artificial cell
Plants experience osmotic stress when they are exposed to salinity in soil.
Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS)
The Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) provides access to nationally consistent soil data and information to support the...
Understanding Your Soils: Sodicity and Salinity
Want to know more about soil sodicity and salinity? Watch this short video from the Understanding Your Soils Series...

Gravel soil
Soil containing abundant ironstone gravel has poorer water holding capacity than soil of the same texture without gravel. Gravel...