Deep ripping with amendments for yield improvement of sodic soil

4 min read

The premise behind this trial is that for sustained improvement of soil physical properties, such as increased infiltration rate,...

Options for managing multiple constraints with strategic deep tillage

5 min read

Comparing strategic deep tillage treatments for managing soil water repellence, subsoil compaction and subsoil acidity.

Using the controlled traffic farming calculator


The controlled traffic farming calculator can be used to calculate how much of your paddock is wheeled.

Nitrogen management following deep ripping of soil


Alleviating soil compaction allows plant root access to a greater volume of soil moisture and increases nitrogen use efficiency.

Soil movement during ripping


Deep ripping is used to fracture and loosen hardened soil.

Using penetrometers and hand probes to identify soil compaction


Testing needs to be done when the soil is sufficiently wet to depth - preferably at the drained upper...

Compaction in loamy soil


Changes in characteristic features, such as proliferation of roots and a shift from a crumbling soil to blocky, angular...

Size, width and depth of soil compaction


Tyres, tracks and axle load all need to be considered when addressing soil compaction.

Visualising machinery-induced soil compaction


Forces from machinery compress the soil and decrease space between soil particles, reducing pore space and increasing soil density.